Vote Rozzo

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

RNC Protest

RNC Protest-Tino Rozzo
I met my fellow comrades after a long train ride from South Jersey. Things moved along swimmingly till I arrived at Newark. There where huge crowdsOf people lined up. It was tough getting through the turnstile.
On the Path train, I was interviewed by a youth radio producer, and in my interview I commented about the importance of voting, How we should change and get rid of the two party system. Also I addressed youth issues.
I made it to 17th and Broadway where I expected to meet more Party members.Some Marched off with the War Resisters League, while I marched with two folks from Pittsburg, Judith Wilson, and Vice Presidential Candidate Mal Herbert.
I thought it was important to garner media for us, so I started tackling reporters.We seemed to have gotten lots of media. I think this is the thing we needed toGet the Brown/Herbert campaign attention.
People of Variety where there, even folks from Togo, Brazil, and Canada.The protest was a bit different, out side of the heat, People where dropping confetti from buildings, there was a music performed by Greendragon. They where dressed in Revolutionary War outfits.
Also, there was a folk chorus in the crowd that sang fabulously. As always New York always offers free street entertainment. Edith and I spoke to the Canadians there. It seems Solidarity was quite international as different Left Canadians banded together to protest Bushed policies. The SP and NDP, and others for the first time I known have banded together and protested in Solidarity.
We need more international actions like this, and maybe next time Socialist Party USA Parade group. We should take further advantage of opportunities like this to promote the Party.